These Parmesan Tuiles with Smoked Trout is not only delicious, but also the perfect canapé for any elegant dinner -or cocktail party, not to mention a cheese and wine evening!
Recipe and Styling by Chef Adri du Preez-Nel.
Photography by Stéan Kruger.
Makes: 24 tuiles
Prep. Time: less than 25 minutes
Cooking Time: 3-8 minutes
100g parmesan cheese, grated (1 ¼ c)
30g cheddar cheese, grated (¼ c)
30ml flour (2 tbsp)
Smoked Trout Mousse:
125g mascarpone (½ c)
125g smoked trout fillets, chopped
Lime zest and a few drops of juice
Preheat the oven to 160˚C.
Tuiles: Combine the ingredients for the tuiles. Place a round cookie cutter (±5cm) on a baking tray and spoon 1 ½ teaspoon cheese mixture inside. Repeat with the rest of cheese leaving space between each for the melting cheese. Bake in the preheated oven for 3-8 minutes, until the cheese start to bubble and melt together. Using a spatula, remove warm cheese round and immediately place over the handle of a metal whisk and slightly press to form a bended half circle. Leave to cool and set. *
Mousse: chop the trout very finely, season if necessary. Add lime zest and a few drops of lime juice. Combine or blitz together.
Spoon into the tuiles, garnish with smoked trout or lime slices.
Serve immediately. The tuiles might go slightly soft if it stands too long with the filling.
If working alone, only bake halve the tuiles at a time. Once the cheese round start to cool, it doesn’t shape so well anymore.
If you make these ahead of time, keep the mouse and tuiles in separate, airtight containers and only spoon the mouse onto the tuiles before serving. This will help keep the tuiles crispy.